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Please submit inquiries and interests to



Membership will include the following stakeholders:



Individuals in this category will include a staff or volunteer who is delegated by an agency/organization with the authority to represent the interests and position of that organization.


Individuals with Disabilities & Allied Supporters

Individuals in this category will have an interest and commitment to the work of the Coalition and its shared issues.  This may include family members, other staff and volunteers not representing an organization.


A member in good standing includes any stakeholder who has:

  • submitted a membership request

  • been approved as a member

  • paid the membership fee (when determined)


Membership eligibility will be reviewed annually.


Membership Cost:  TBD but currently there is no fee



The Coalition will operate in English; however the Coalition will encourage bilingual members to facilitate the engagement of francophone organizations and media, as needed.



In an effort to provide “one voice” or a “shared voice” on issues that are shared among members of the Coalition, a consensus process will be followed.  In the event members cannot reach a consensus, decisions will be made by a simple majority vote.


Endorsing a position

All members shall reserve the right to opt out of a position taken by the Coalition.  Where the Coalition takes a public position, it will list those organizational members that are in agreement with this position in media releases.  The Coalition does no make any claim to speak on behalf of all Ottawans with disabilities.



The Coalition shall consist of three (3) structures:

Convening Members – those members present at any meeting of the Coalition.

Ad-Hoc Committees – struck by the convening members as required & lead by the Coalition.

Chair and Co-Chair – approved by the members of the Coalition with a three year term.



The Coalition shall endeavour to operate by consensus where possible, that is, to arrive at a result that while not the favourite of all parties, is agreeable to all.   A simple majority of those present is required to meet quorum for a valid meeting.  Only members in good standing are eligible to participate in a vote and must be present on the day the vote occurs.  Proxy voting is not permitted.

Multiple stakeholders representing the same agency/organization are permitted a single vote. 


Meeting Frequency

The Coalition shall meet at least four times a year. The Coalition shall not have meetings during the summer months, unless members agree to meet for extraordinary/emergency reasons at the call of the Chair.



On an annual basis the Coalition shall engage in a planning exercise that will guide the work of the Coalition and any Ad-Hoc Committees for the coming year.   

Once created, the Strategic Plan will be reviewed and updated every three years.  The strategic plan will have a three year planning window.



Resources to support the work of the Coalition will be obtained from its members.



This Terms of Reference will be reviewed every three years.

Terms of reference
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