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Available Volunteer Positions

If you are interested in the work of the Ottawa Disability Coalition (ODC) and wish to express interest in the volunteer positions as described below, or have any questions about the ODC and these positions, please send an email to Note that you may download the full description of the volunteer position by clicking on the link at the bottom of each position. Applicants expressing interest in the position(s) are asked to explain their interest and share information on the skills and experience they have to contribute to the roles described.


Term ends December 1st, 2021

Click for full position description of Chair

The role of Chair is to provide leadership and direction to allow the ODC to move forward in achieving its mission and objectives. This will be achieved through:

  • Facilitating the sharing of ideas and information, participating and guiding in setting the strategic direction and priorities and undertaking work on behalf of the ODC

  • Playing an active role in the strategic planning, educational, advocacy and partnership building

Promoting the work and image of the ODC


Tasks of the Chair


Actively Support the ODC’s Mission.


The Chair and Co-Chair will work together to determine how to share the work:

  • Prepare and preside all ODC meetings

  • Work closely with the Coalition members and disseminate information to/from the members

  • Work closely with partners (ie. Non-members who express interest in the ODC and its efforts) and attend their meetings with the purpose of a advising and disseminating information from these partner organizations and contributing information re: the ODC where appropriate.

  • Contribute to the long term viability of the ODC and the succession of the group.

  • Research and keep informed of the issues to understand the preoccupations of the sector and advise on a course of action required for the ODC’s.

  • Provide insights into potential partnership opportunities and strategic planning

  • Appoint such standing and special committees as he/she deems advisable

  • Responsible for the general supervision of corporate affairs, but may delegate such duties to other persons as he/she deems advisable



Currently Vacant

Click for full position description of Co-Chair

The role of Co-Chair is to work with and support and/or fill in for the Chair to provide leadership and direction to allow the ODC to move forward in achieving its mission and objectives. This will be achieved through:

  • Facilitating the sharing of ideas and information, participating and guiding in setting the strategic direction and priorities and undertaking work on behalf of the ODC

  • Playing an active role in the strategic planning, educational, advocacy and partnership building

Promoting the work and image of the ODC


Tasks of the Co-Chair


Actively Support the ODC’s Mission. 


The Chair and Co-Chair will work together to determine how to share the work:

  • Perform such duties and have such areas of responsibility as the ODC shall prescribe, and will exercise all the powers of the Chair in the event the Chair is unable to perform their duties.

  • Advise the ODC on strategies related to marketing/branding. As well as develop policy and provide oversight related to the marketing efforts of the ODC, offer feedback on marketing strategies, and recommend and/or participate in marketing research and analysis

  • Research and keep informed of the issues to understand the preoccupations of the sector and advise on a course of action required for the ODC’s.

  • Provide insights into potential partnership opportunities and strategic planning


Member at Large


Click for full position description of Member at Large

Members at large are volunteers who wish to contribute in one or more ways to helping the ODC move towards its mission and/or objectives.


The role of the member at large is to work under the direction of the chair, co-chair or on working groups or tasks endorsed by the ODC.


The role of the ODC is to provide the member at large with meaningful roles to attempt to meet the member’s personal goals which align with those of the ODC’s.


Tasks of the Member at Large


Actively Support the ODC’s Mission.


  • Attend ODC meetings and work closely with Coalition Members on ODC initiatives.

  • Contribute life experience and expertise to issues confronting the ODC.

  • Support ODC by attending various community/partner activities and events.

  • Provide insights into potential partnership opportunities and strategic planning


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